We are a cooperative of small and medium enterprises and research institutes with a special know how in reconstruction of real estates for an energy and noise prevention purpose starting from the survey about planning to the realisation of building and IT tasks in designed process chains.

The NiELS eG raised from a funding network of the Federal Minstry of Econmy and Energie (BMWi) in Germany. The cooperative and their members are able to manage and administrate a complete process of real estate reconstruction in all detailed steps, including a BIM based result. Our core capabilities are:

  • measurement and surveying (incl. UAS)
  • organise a central data collection (incl. SDI)
  • interpretation and calculation
  • documentation (incl. BIM)
  • quantity determination and price fixing
  • managing bidding process‘
  • coordinate reconstruction works
  • final inspections

Our process steps are available separatly, in combination or as a whole.